Solar Cell Large - 2.5W
Packaged solar cell with barrel plug termination.
This is a custom cell produced for SFE - not a small toy surplus item!
This unit is rated for 8V open voltage and 310mA short circuit.
We actually took a random unit outside and measured 9.15V open voltage and 280mA short circuit.
Under ideal sun conditions (high-noon, clear sky) 310mA is very possible but will vary from cell to cell.
We can even get 110mA from inside our office windows!
Termination is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel plug, center positive on a 2m cable.
Monocrystalline high efficiency cells at 15-15.2%.
Mates directly with many of our development boards.
Unit has a clear epoxy resin coating with hard-board backing.
Robust sealing for out door applications!
7 x 4.5"